Untold Civil Rights Stories

Untold Civil Rights Stories"For those whose stories built our communities, Untold Civil Rights Stories is dedicated - to the women, men, and youth whose courage and boldness to speak out have helped us to advance our future."

- Stewart Kwoh & Russell C. Leong, Editors

In 2009, Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Los Angeles (Advancing Justice - LA), then called Asian Pacific American Legal Center of Southern California (APALC), and the UCLA Asian American Studies Center jointly edited and published Untold Civil Rights Stories, the first national guide of its kind for students, teachers, and communities. This guide was a unique educational partnership between one of the nation's foremost advocates of civil rights and social justice for Asian Americans and others, Advancing Justice - LA, and the nation's leading research center and department on Asian Americans, the UCLA Asian American Studies Center (UCLA AASC).

The main purpose of the book is to identify and honor those individuals of Asian descent who were, and are, heroes in the struggle for civil rights and social justice.

AAAJ-LAAdvancing Justice - LA is the largest and most diverse civil rights, legal services program primarily focused on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. Advancing Justice LA was formerly the Asian Pacific American Legal Center of Southern California. In 2013 it became Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Los Angeles. Along with 4 other organizations, Advancing Justice aims to strengthen the voice and resources of Asian Americans in the U.S. Now, Advancing Justice has 5 affiliates in Los Angeles, Washington, DC, Chicago, San Francisco, and Atlanta. Advancing Justice - LA advocates for civil rights, provides legal services, leadership development, demographic research, education, and capacity building programs. Formerly known as APALC, Advancing Justice - LA was founded in 1983. It has offices in Los Angeles, Orange County and Sacramento.

For any inquiry please contact us at the Leadership Development Department at: http://advancingjustice-la.org/contact

AASCThe UCLA Asian American Studies Center (AASC) is one of four ethnic studies centers at the University of California, Los Angeles under the Institute of American Cultures. Established in 1969, AASC is recognized as the premier research center in the field of Asian American Studies. The Center has over fifty affiliated faculty spanning the humanities, social sciences, and professional schools. Its renowned Center Press publishes Amerasia Journal and AAPI Nexus. The Center Library/Archives unit has been at the forefront of critical preservation efforts. AASC has had a longstanding commitment to collaborative research with our community partners.