APACDDC: Information for Empowerment
Box 951546
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1546
P. 310.267.2474 / 310.206.7738
F. 310.206.9844
Melany de la Cruz
Census Information Center Project Coordinator
2235 Campbell Hall
email: apadatacenter@aasc.ucla.edu
The Asian Pacific American Community Development Data Center (APACDDC), a partnership between the National Coalition of Asian Pacific American Community Development (CAPACD) and the UCLA Asian American Studies Center (AASC), was established to serve the census data needs of CAPACD members and other Asian and Pacific Islander community based organizations.
In October 2000, the APACDDC was designated as a Census Information Center (CIC), a cooperative program between the U.S. Census Bureau and 57 national, regional, and local non-profit organizations. The CIC program is designed to increase access to census data for community-based groups with the CICs serving as a clearinghouse of census data, updates and reports. CICs can be found across the nation. To find the CIC nearest you and the services they offer, please go to: https://www.census.gov/about/partners/cic.html
Statistics Portrait of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacific Islanders
The UCLA Asian American Studies Center, as an official U.S. Census Information Center (as a co-partner with National Coalition for Asian Pacific Community Development), is pleased to provide this 2018 statistical portrait of the Asian American and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander populations produced by the US Census Bureau for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, which will take place in May, 2018. The portrait provides current census data, population projections, and internet links that should be useful for research, planning, writing and general educational purposes. Please see the "Editor's note" at the end of this announcement for more information. The first major section provides information on "Asians," while the second major part highlights "Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders."
We are also excited to announce APACDDC's first publication entitled The New Face of Asian Pacific America: Numbers, Diversity and Change in the 21st Century. The 300-page work provides a comprehensive demographic profile of Asian American and Pacific Islander communities including chapters on specific ethnic groups, geographic regions, a range of contemporary community issues and numerous easy-to-read charts, tables and maps.
It draws primarily from the 2000 Census, but also showcases work by the nation's foremost experts on the Asian American and Pacific Islander community, including academics, writers, community activists and service providers. The New Face is published in collaboration by the UCLA Asian American Studies Center, Asianweek Magazine, and the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development and the Organization of Chinese Americans and underwritten by State Farm Insurance, Inc.
Strategic Program Planning and Public Policy Development
Use population, housing, and other trend data for planning, determining scope of services and defining future needs.
Advocacy Needs Assessment
Use Census data to assess needs, define target populations and service areas, and measure impact of organization and/or programs.
Developing Small Business Enterprise
Use economic and population data for developing marketing strategies and identifying site locations.
As a designated Census Information Center, we receive all available census-related information. Using the latest Census and other data sources, the Center can produce demographic and economic information on Asian Pacific American communities or provide community-based groups with materials from the following data sources:
Data consists of population and housing data by social and economic characteristics. Such as population distribution, ethnicity/national origin, housing, households, employment, income and poverty, educational attainment, language, immigration, and age distribution. The Center also has similar data for both the 1990 and 1980 Census and can provide figures from these data sets. For free, basic, demographic reports providing findings from Census 2000, Census Briefs are available from the census website at: https://census.gov/library/publications/time-series/cenbr.all.html
The Current Population Survey (CPS) is a monthly survey of about 50,000 households conducted by the Census Bureau for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The CPS files and reports provide data on population estimates, educational attainment, income and poverty status, foreign-born persons, and racial/ethnic groups. All of the census-related materials listed above can be useful in supporting community development efforts such as:
Economic Needs of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Distressed Areas: Establishing Baseline Information http://lewis.sppsr.ucla.edu/WorkingPapers.html
The New Face of Asian Pacific America: Numbers, Diversity and Change in the 21st Century http://www.aasc.ucla.edu/aascpress/tocs/newface.aspx
Quick Facts from the Census 2000
Asian Pacific Islanders
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders
Community and Economic Development
National Coalition of Asian Pacific American Community Development
http://www.nationalcapacd.org/National Congress for Community Economic Development
http://www.nacced.org/Rural communities
Housing information
Subsidized Family Developments
View Maps and Obtain Reports for Local Housing Developments
Los Angeles County
Neighborhood Definitions by Zip Code
http://www.unitedwayla.orgNeighborhood Knowledge Los Angeles
California Statewide database
Neighborhood Knowledge California
Other Useful Census Data resources
Income by Race and Hispanic Origins
Poverty by Race and Hispanic Origins