The 2020 Census Engagement Project at UCLA is a series of student-led projects seeking to increase awareness of the 2020 Census. Asian American Studies 191C (AAS 191C) course sought to integrate together academics and activism by offering UCLA students a hands-on, community-centered approach to learning about the U.S. Census. Students learned about the history of the census, how we use census data and the different debates involving the collection of census data. The course's main focus was to consider the implications of the undercount and the fact that those who most need to be counted are often not. Students were then tasked to integrate what they learned in a census outreach campaign targeted at a hard to count group in one of our country's most diverse and populous areas, Los Angeles County. The projects found on this website share these census outreach campaigns. Read more >>
U.S. Census Bureau
Census outreach materials: https://2020census.gov/en/partners/outreach-materials.html
Census Open Innovation Labs: https://opportunity.census.gov/coil/ and https://accelerate.census.gov/
California 2020 Census Campaign
CA Census for All: https://californiacensus.org/
Hard-to-Count Fact Sheets: https://census.ca.gov/htcfactsheets/
Census Toolkits and Guides: https://census.ca.gov/resources/
Community Partners
Count Us In 2020: https://www.countusin2020.org/
APIAVote: https://www.apiavote.org/census2020
CUNY Mapping Center Hart to Count Tool: https://www.censushardtocountmaps2020.us/
Social Media Tools
Educator Tools
Classroom resources for teachers: (PowerPoint, Lesson Plan, Pledge Cards) http://www.aasc.ucla.edu/storybooks/aas191c/secondgen/areyoueducator.aspx