Vol. 5, No. 1: Summer, 1981 Preview

Here is what's inside this edition:

Editorial: “Racism: Addressing The New And Redressing The Old”

Two issues back, Cross currents, reported on members of the Los Angeles community identifying themselves as a newly formed Alhambra chapter of the Ku Klux Klan which had taken credit for vandalism at several Chinese language movie theaters in Monterey Park as well as the office of the Chinese American Dragon News.


Health Care Alternatives of Asian Americans

The Health Care Alternatives of Asian American Women research project is funded by an NIMH grant for two years.


The Chinese of America: Amerasia Journal

New research and perspectives on Chinese American history and society is the theme of Amerasia Journal’s new issue, 8:1, 1981.


Yu Ren Qiu: Student From PRC

In 1972, the government of the People’s Republic of China extended an invitation to President Nixon to visit the developing socialist state.


Sam Law Elected SLC President

Sam Law, former Asian Coalition director, became the first Asian American to be elected undergraduate student body president at UCLA.


1980 Census Material Available

The 1980 Census allows for better understanding of the demographics and contributions of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans to Los Angeles, California, and the whole country.


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