Vol. 24, No. 1: Spring/Summer, 2001 Preview

Here is what's inside this edition:

UCLA’s Asian Pacific Coalition Celebrates 25th Anniversary

“Presence in Progress: 25 years of Asian Pacific Islander University, Diversity and Activism” was the theme of twenty fifth anniversary celebration of UCLA’s Asian Pacific Coalition.


I Am Mien, and I Am Part of a Vital Generation

I am Mien. I was born in a refugee camp in Laos, and my family immigrated to Portland, Oregon when I as two. Although I am technically a first generation immigrant, I consider myself to be a second-generation Asian American. I spent my youth in Merced, California. the majority of my Merced friends are Mexican, so I am well versed in teh different aspects of Mexican culture. Unforutnately I’m ignorant about the different aspects of my own culture.


Los Angeles Times Publishes Essay by Professor Russell

UCLA Professor Russell C. Leong recently contributed a poetic essay to the Los Angeles Times Southern California Living section about his walk along the L.A. River and how “a special stone motivated a writer to turn everyday life into art.”

UCLA Summer Program in Hawai’i to be Held June 30 – August 11

The UCLA Asian American Studies Center, in conjunction with the American Studies Department of the University of Hawai’i, manoa, will once again offer its Multicultural Summer Program in Honolulu for graduate, undergraduate, and high school student.


Center Co-Sponsors Leadership Academy for 13 Asian Pacific American Elected Officials

The UCLA Asian American Studies Center and Asian Pacific American Institute for congressional Studies (APAICS) selected 13 outstanding elected officials to participate in the third annual Leadership.


UCLA’s Four Ethnic Studies Centers Hold Symposium on Reparations and Redress

“The Struggle for Social Justice: A Symposium on Recognition, Reparations & Redress” was the title of gathering held May 11-12 at UCLA.


Workshop Brings Together Scholars to Examin Status of Asian in the Americas

“Rethinking Minority/Majority Dynamics: cultural Identity and Political Process for Asians in Peru, Brazil, and the United States” was the title of a workshop and presentation held May 19 at UCLA under spnosorship of the UC Pacific Rim Research Project and Asian American Studies Center.


My Grandmother: The Historicity of Personal Experience

On June 28, 1950, soldiers executed a woman in a field just outside of Seoul, Korea. Presumably, they buried her body on the site. Her grave, however, bears no marker.


10 New Graduate Students Expand Research Horizons of Asian American Studies

Coming from a range of life experiences, the ten first-year students in the M.A. degree Program in Asian American Studies seek to expand research horizons in the field through their academic pursuits involving race relations, gender and sexuality, labor history, youth culture, history, literature, multiracial identity, and the study of the ideology of “whiteness.”


Children of Sa-ee-gu Haven’t Forgotten

Remember that forlorn figure of a Chinese youth on the TV screen in a death-defying David-Goliath standoff, daring to stop the rolling tanks at Beijing’s blood-drenched Tiananment Square?


Irene Soriano Helps High School Youth Publish Booklet of Poems

UCLA Asian American Studies staff member Irene Suico Soriano recently coordinated a writing and creative expression workshop for high school girls which led to the publication of a booklet of poetry and drawings called “A.S.I.A.N. – Asian Smarts in the Asian American Nation.” Soriano serves as Curriculum Assistant for the Center.


Resonance of Generations: The Intersection of Autobiography and History

Smells filled the room: the waxy smell of my father’s tarnished, glowing tenor saxophone; the musty guitar case that held my Uncle Wes’ shining hollow-body electetric guitar; the tobacco smoke from handrolled cigrarettes; the other smoke from what I thought was hand-rolled cigarettes.


2001-2002 Edition of Asian Pacific American Political Almanac Now Available

The 2001-2002 edition of the National Asian Pacific American Political Almanac is now available from UCLA Asian American Studies Center Press.


Tapping into Our Internal Power to Combat the “Racial Virus” Infecting Our Souls

I recently took a trip to the Museum of tolerance in West Los Angeles for a class project. The focus of the museum is on the devastating effects of racial hatred.


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