Vol. 2, No. 6: May-June, 1979 Preview

Here is what's inside this edition:

New research on Asian Americans

New historical and current research on Pilipinos, Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese Americans highlight the fall/winter issues of the Amerasia Journal a semi-annual publication issued by the Asian American Studies Center.


New S/CP Coordinator Hired

The Center announces the hiring of Roy Nakano as the new Coordinator of the Student-Community Projects work area.


Center Announces Limited Translation Service

The Asian American Studies Center announces a limited translation service to community organization, Language translated include Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Thai.


Chinese Studens Hold Culture Air

The Chinese Student Association of UCLA ushered in the lunar new year with A Chinese Culture Fair held January 12-20.


New Study on JA’s Initiated

A National Institute of Health sponsored study involving Nisei and Samsei (2nd and 3rd generation Japanese Americans) is about to begin in Gardena.


Career Exploration Program Continues

Dr. Betty Chang held a career exploration session for prospective nursing students on February 13th.


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