Vol. 19, No. 1: Spring/Summer, 1996 Preview

Here is what's inside this edition:

New Report Dispels Myths about Asian Immigrants

A new report dispels common myths about Asian immigrants, especially regarding their political participation.


The Future of Affirmative Action in Higher Education

On March 18, 1996, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appels handed down its opinion in Hopwood v. Texas. That opinion struck down the administrations system of the University of Texas Law School as violating the Fourteeth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause of the federal Constitution.


Royal Morales Retirement Party at UCLA

Long-time community scholar and activist Royal (“Uncle Roy”) Morales was honored by the UCLA Asian American Studies Center on Saturday, may 18, at hte James West Alumni Center.


Pres. Clinton Appoints Don Nakanishi to Redress Educational Fund

Center Director Don Nakanishi has been appointed by President Bill Clinton to the Civil Liberties Public Education board of Directors, where he wil help administer a fund of five million dollars created as part of federal legislation providing redress and reparations to Japanese Americans for the wartime internment.


Center Welcomes Four Scholars as Japanese American Studies Fellows

Four scholars, artists, and community leaders – Professor Lane Hirabayashi, filmmaker Spencer Nakasako, Professor Eileen Tamura, and attorney Bruce Yamashita – are serving as Visiting Fellows at the UCLA Asian American Studies Center under the Japanese American Studies endowed academic chair for the 1995-96 academic year.


Linking theAcademy and the Community: Prof. Lane Hirabayashi’s Mission in L.A.

One could trace anthropologist Lane Hirabayashi’s vocational calling to what he refers to as “family culture.”


Teaching Team Spirit in Asian American Studies

In preparation for wirting this article about Professor Henry Yu, I actively sought information that would reveal something about his interest outside of UCLA and Asian American Studies.


First-Year Graduate Students Bring New Kind of Diversity to Center’s M.A. Program

Diversity is the distinguishing feature of the nine students constituting the new first-year student in our Center’s master degree program in Asian American Studies.


Jeff Ow Creates “Fool’s gold” on the Web

Jefferey Ow, a graduate student in the Asian American Studies masters degree program, is the first student associated with our Center to create a home page on the internet.


Two New Pathbreaking M.A. These Completed

The Asian American Studies Reading Room has announced the completion of two new pathbreaking theses from our Center’s master program.


UCLA Acquires Two Important Archives Relating to Korean American History

The UCLA Asian American studies Center and hte Special Collections Department of the UCLA University Research Library held a reception April 14, 1996, in honor of the donation of the magnificent Hei Sop Chin Archival Collection and the Hyungju Ahn Archival Collection on Korean and Korean American History.


Traveling the Information Superhighway

A $120,000 grant from Southern California Edison Will Help APNet Expand Its Work to Link Asian Pacific American Communities to the Latest Electronic Communications Technology.


Sisterhood and the Asian American Sorority

I pledged Theta Kappa Phi, and Asian American sorority, during my second year at UCLA. I was a member of the Crystal pledge class in the fall of 1991 and remained active until fall of 1993.


1996 National Asian Pacific American Political Almanac Now Available

The UCLA Asian American Studies Center announces publication of the 1996 National Asian Pacific American Political Almanac.


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