Here is what's inside this edition:
The Asian American Studies Center has submitted a proposal for a B.A. degree program in Asian American Studies to be the College of Letters and Science
It was students who initiated the lunch counter sit-ins that sparked a campaign of nonviolent direct action during the Civil rights Movement in the 1960s.
The Asian American movement at UCLA has, from its beginnings in the 1950s, sought to challenge the university’s lack of commitment to its rhetoric of “diversity.”
In a Los Angeles garment factory, a 37-year-old Thai immigrant mother speaks of long hours, backaches and low wages, as sewing machines growl in the stale air.
Leadership has always existed within the Asian and Pacific Islander community. But in respecting our Asian cultural tradition of “not rocking the boat,” our political presence has sometimes been inconspicuous.
When I told people last spring that I was going to spend part of the summer in Hawaii taking summer courses, I got reaction like, “yeah, right- study in Hawaii. Ha!” But I was excited about finally seeing the real Hawaii – not the commercialized version of it.
A black man was beaten by four white police officers, then a white man was beaten by four black men.
According to Center Director don Nakanishi, this year’s entering class for our M.A. program is the “biggest and Brightest” group ever.
In June 1982, Vincent Chin, a Chinese American, was brutally beaten to death by two white autoworkers in Detroit who mistook him for a Japanese and blamed him for their lack of jobs.
April 29, 1992. On this fateful day in Los Angeles, events took place that personally impacted the lives of many UCLA students.
“None of us are really bigots. Honestly, I’m decent and fair but just sometimes misunderstood. I’m not really prejudice…are you?” that’s the question that is asked by “the Bigot,” a video personality that greets you as you enter the Simon Wiesenthal Museum of Tolerance in West Los Angeles.
Three Asian pacific Islander students- with strong backgrounds of work with the Asian American Studies Center – were elected to undergraduate student government posts for the 1992-93 academic year.
Dr. Shirley Hune was recently named activing associate dean for Graduate Programs in the Graduate Division at UCLA and visiting professor in the Urban Planning Programs.
Writer David Won Louie, author of the acclaimed short story collection Pangs of Love, is teaching creative writing course at UCLA as a joint English department and Asian American Studies visiting lecturer.
Asian Pacific Americans in relation to the humanities and the arts can be understood and envisioned by exam claiming both the global transformation of the culture of the United States and by examining the local contexts of humanities and arts.
For Asian American women whose first love is Literature but are studying Science because of parental pressure, meet Professor King-Kok Cheung, the associate director the Asian American Studies Center and associate professor in the English department.