Edited by: Russell Jeung, Karen Umemoto, Harvey Dong, Eric Mar,

Lisa Hirai Tsuchitani, Arnold Pan

This book shares the narratives of nine remarkable students. For each of these Asian Americans, their ethnic heritages and racialized experiences, their family backgrounds, their education, and the social movements of their day intersected so that they became agents of change. Specifically, they organized and mobilized fellow students and community members to establish and further Asian American Studies (AAS) on their campuses. AAS has since grown not only to offer a relevant curriculum for and about these students, but also to help develop and empower their communities. With accounts of the development of AAS at San Francisco State University, UC Berkeley, and UCLA, Mountain Movers highlights how students have changed the course of history.

Contact the AASC Press for classroom discounts on bulk orders over 15 copies


Author: Robert Javier

Recommended Grade Level: 11 & 12th grade

Subject: American Literature

Curriculum Vision & Mission: "Our class exists to define what it means to be an American and explore the idea of the American Dream. For decades, the dominant America narrative in literature has been of the White American male. Today, the face of America reflects many different voices. These voices have been rendered voiceless, but the reality is they are here and have remained unheard. Our purpose is to become active contributors to or critics of the American narrative. This class is about the inclusion and expression of ALL Americans. With appropriate, literary representation and open, thoughtful discourse, we will engage in developing our respective voices in the American narrative."