AAS 191C

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Census?

Once a decade, America comes together to count every resident in the United States, creating national awareness of the importance of the census and its valuable statistics.

What's the age limit to fill out the census?

There is no age limit, but preferably 18.

What is the government going to do with my information?

The government is simply going to use the data for demographic information purposes. They are going to use the data to understand the current US population more.

Do I have to write all of my information in the census?

Preferably, yes. But you DO NOT have to give all of your information. For example, if you have concerns of privacy, you can opt out of writing your name and instead put "Resident #1," "Person A," "Jane Doe."

Does it have to be filled out in English?

No! The Census Bureau has organized and will provide language assistance and guides for a multitude of languages. The official website with all of the different language guides is available online: https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial-census/2020-census/planning-management/language-resources/language-guides.html
Or at: https://www.censusoutreach.org/language-guides

What if I don't have access to the Internet at home?

You can go to a local library or other established kiosks centers to fill out the census. You can also complete the census through mail or by phone.

I'm going to college soon. What address should I be putting for the census?

You should put the address where you are living on April 1st. If you are a current college student, your family should not include you in their household.

What if I don't fill out the census on April 1st? Can I still fill it out afterward?

Yes! April 1st is National Census Day where everyone is encouraged to fill out the census by that date. You'll have until July 31st to fill out the census, but the earlier you do it the better!

What's an enumerator? Will they visit all of the households to complete the census?

An enumerator is a person hired by the U.S. Census Bureau to canvass neighborhoods and is in charge of collecting household information of community members. They will visit households who haven't completed the Census by May.

My mom is pregnant. How should she fill out the census?

If you are a pregnant mother right now, then you should probably include your unborn child as they are expected to be part of your household in the next ten years.